Not Just For Teenagers

While the mention of braces makes most people picture teenagers, orthodontic treatments can be even more effective when the patient is younger. If a child as young as 7 is already showing signs of crowding or misplaced teeth, spaces between teeth, mouth breathing, difficulty when they eat or chew food, or teeth that protrude, it’s a good idea to have them evaluated. Orthodontic treatments during these younger years will improve the outcome of treatments they may need as teens.

Why Do Some People Need Braces And Others Don’t?

Why do some people need braces and others don’t? Why an individual is recommended for orthodontic treatment depends on many factors. The main reason would be to correct misaligned teeth and jaw alignment problems. Especially at a young age, it’s important to correct these issues when they are easier to treat. Did you know that there are alternatives to metal braces? Read more to find out about different orthodontic options.

Ceramic or Metal?

Happy New Year from our team at The Best Braces! We hope 2020 is off to a great start for you and your family. It’s a great time of year to set goals — ours is to help as many patients as possible achieve a healthy and beautiful smile. However, we often find people hesitant to use traditional braces because they are self-conscious about wearing metal braces and wires. Fortunately, we offer a solution that is less noticeable while straightening teeth. Click here to learn more about this orthodontic treatment.

Did You Know That More Adults Are Getting Braces?

If you are like most adults, you might rate appearance as an important factor in self-esteem, job success, and satisfaction with life in general. Improving your teeth can dramatically change your appearance and is less invasive than plastic surgery to modify facial features. More and more adults are turning to braces as the way to change their appearance. Over 1.4 million adults sought orthodontic treatment in the U.S. and Canada in 2014, up from 1 million in 2012. Read on to find out why more adults are choosing braces as a treatment option.