The Second Time Around

It’s common for people to get braces at some point during their life. In some cases, after having had orthodontic treatment, however, the teeth will shift back to their original location after braces have been removed. People who have worn braces in the past can choose to straighten their teeth a second time. A second round of braces is common among adults and nothing to be ashamed or embarrassed about.

Why Do Some People Need Braces And Others Don’t?

Why do some people need braces and others don’t? Why an individual is recommended for orthodontic treatment depends on many factors. The main reason would be to correct misaligned teeth and jaw alignment problems. Especially at a young age, it’s important to correct these issues when they are easier to treat. Did you know that there are alternatives to metal braces? Read more to find out about different orthodontic options.

The Clear Alternative

Some of our patients just assume that they will need traditional metal braces to correct their crooked or crowded teeth. We do offer alternative orthodontic treatments, however, that are more discrete. In particular, there is one that catches the eye of teens and adults who wish to avoid wearing metal but would still like to improve their smile. Read more to find out about this innovative treatment.

Positive Outcomes With Clear Aligners

Clear aligners are an effective solution for straightening crooked and crowded teeth. The most obvious reason people choose this type of treatment is that they are not noticeable, unlike traditional metal braces. Regardless of appearance, there is an adjustment period when you first start wearing aligners. We want to make you aware of common experiences that patients have when they first start wearing aligners.