It Is Not Too Late To Get The Smile Of Your Dreams

Do you dream of having perfect teeth but feel like your age is holding you back? Or do you feel like there is only one orthodontic option to change your smile? Gone are the days of only teenagers receiving orthodontic treatment. If you missed out on the experience when you were younger and were always self-conscious of your less than perfectly straight smile, it is not too late to get the smile you have dreamed of for years. Better yet, we have numerous options that can fit into any lifestyle, even if you have little to no time or don’t want to leave the comfort of your own home. Continue reading to learn about the different orthodontic options for adults.

Same Day Aligners

We’re so used to same day or next day delivery from stores like Amazon and Target, why should getting straight teeth be any different? The one downside to most clear aligners is the wait time between the initial office visit and when the aligners arrive. This can take weeks, which delays the start of your treatment. Imagine coming to our office for your initial appointment and leaving the same day, ready to start treatment.

The Clear Alternative

Some of our patients just assume that they will need traditional metal braces to correct their crooked or crowded teeth. We do offer alternative orthodontic treatments, however, that are more discrete. In particular, there is one that catches the eye of teens and adults who wish to avoid wearing metal but would still like to improve their smile. Read more to find out about this innovative treatment.

Positive Outcomes With Clear Aligners

Clear aligners are an effective solution for straightening crooked and crowded teeth. The most obvious reason people choose this type of treatment is that they are not noticeable, unlike traditional metal braces. Regardless of appearance, there is an adjustment period when you first start wearing aligners. We want to make you aware of common experiences that patients have when they first start wearing aligners.