Halloween Fun With Braces

We cannot believe that Halloween is here! We know it can be challenging for some of our patients receiving orthodontic care to enjoy Halloween the same way they have other years. It is important to remember that wearing braces and other hardware is just temporary, and for many, all of the restrictions that may be in place now will be over by next Halloween. The good news is, there is plenty to eat and enjoy this Halloween even while wearing an expander, braces, or other orthodontic hardware. Read on to learn more.

Don’t Let Halloween Play Tricks on Your Braces

Do you like tricks or treats for Halloween? If your answer is treats, we are here to help you keep your orthodontic treatment as quick, comfortable, and enjoyable as possible while celebrating. One of the best parts about Halloween is all of the delicious treats that are available. Sometimes, it is difficult to remember which treats are helpful and which treats can be harmful to your braces. We are here to share which are treats and which are tricks.